The Best Light Builds in The Finals

There are three distinct classes in The Finals  Light, Medium, and Heavy. Light is the most vulnerable class in The Finals you need a right build for Light to help her disappear from conflict as quickly as you arrive. 

Find out the best Light builds guide specialization, weapons, gadgets, and two different Light builds for you to choose from to help you dominate in the game.

The Best Light Builds in The Finals

Best Light Build in The Finals Season 1 - zilliongamer

Best Light loadout in The Finals, assassin build guide

  • Best Weapon: V95.
  • Best Specialization: Cloaking Device.
  • Best Gadgets: Glitch Grenade, Vanishing Bomb, and Stun Gun.

V9S Pistol increases movement speed and can deals very high damage (hit-and-run attacks). Best Specialization for Light assassin build Cloaking Device, which grants the ability to turn invisible during combat, and try to approach from an angle outside an enemy's line of sight.

Best Gadgets for Light assassin build Glitch Grenade, Vanishing Bomb, and Stun Gun, gadgets that go very well with Light is stun gun and it’s very handy against two enemies also can combo with Cloaking Device or Vanishing Bomb.

Glitch Bomb is best for Light builds when you are aiming for enemy light or medium classes. Throw a glitch bomb toward enemies to disable their specializations and gadgets, which makes it easier to eliminate them.

Vanishing Bomb is very good for Light to escape if you have a team on your tail, and it applies to all your teammates, allowing you and your teammates to make some team plays to gain the upper hand.

Note: You can take Breach Charge or Stun Gun to match your playstyle, but we recommended to for Stun Gun instead of Breach Charge.

Best Light loadout in The Finals, close & mid-range build

  • Best Weapon: XP-54.
  • Best Specialization: Grappling Hook or Cloaking Device.
  • Best Gadgets: Glitch Grenade, Vanishing Bomb, and Stun Gun.

The XP-54 is the best SMG for Light in close and mid-range but it deals less damage than the V95 pistol and also decreases some of your movement speed.

For specialization, grappling hook will help you get on the tops of nearby buildings, or you can use them to escape confrontation.

Gadgets the same as assassin build, but you should take a breach charge instead of a stun gun because it helps you to breach any building, and you can use it to breach the floor below the Cashout to make it fall, make it easier to steal, or defend the Cashout.


The Finals Light is a class that has very high mobility but is very squishy. With these builds above, you can easily go in and out quickly without risking your life, making it hard for the enemy team to catch you.