The Finals: Best Heavy Builds in Season 1

There are three distinct classes in The Finals Light, Medium, and Heavy. Heavy is a class that has the most HP of all the classes but it's also the slowest controlling objectives with its diverse toolkit. 

Find out the best Heavy Season 1 builds guide specialization, weapons, gadgets, and two different Heavy builds for you to choose from to help you dominate in the game.

Best Heavy Builds in The Finals Season 1

The Best Heavy Builds in The Finals Season 1 - zilliongamer

What is the best gun for the heavy build in the finals?

The best gun for Heavy class are SA1216 and LEWIS GUN, both guns are work very well with Heavy class, LEWIS GUN has high magazine capacity and good damage per shot, great mid and long-range and it easy to control you can take down multiple enemies in a single mag.

Currently the best gun for Heavy in the finals is SA1216, the SA1216 is a very strong gun in close and mid range, it has high rate of fire, damage, magazine capacity, and fastest reload speed compared to other guns in the heavy class.

Best Heavy build has everything you need including the right weapons, gadgets, and specializations.

The Finals: Best Heavy build loadout in Close and Mid-Range

  • Best Weapon: SA1216.
  • Best Specialization: Mesh Shield.
  • Best Gadgets: RPG-7, C4, and Dome Shield.

SA1216 is a very strong gun in close and mid range, it has high rate of fire, damage, magazine capacity, and fastest reload speed compared to other guns in the heavy class.

What is the best Specialization for the Heavy build in the finals?

The Best Specialization for heavy build is Mesh Shield, can protect your teammate by blocks all projectiles (only in the front) which allow you to move your teammate to safety. 

What is the best Gadgets for the Heavy build in the finals?

The Best Gadgets for Heavy build are RPG-7, C4, and Dome Shield. RPG-7 is very powerful, it's caused a lot of destruction basically one tap Light & almost one tap Medium class with this RPG-7.

C4 and RPG-7 are normally used for destroying walls and floors, but C4 can be attached to anything that you can pick up, like an explosive gas tank, throw it on the enemy, and activate it to deal more damage to enemies.

Dome Shield is pretty good for Heavy, it doesn't have a lot of health like other shields, but you and your teammates can shoot through it (one-way shield), which is very useful when reviving your team and allowing you to take no damage while in the Done Shield.

The Finals: Best Heavy build loadout in Mid and Long-Range

  • Best Weapon: LEWIS GUN.
  • Best Specialization: Mesh Shield.
  • Best Gadgets: RPG-7, C4, and Dome Shield.

LEWIS GUN has high magazine capacity and good damage per shot, great mid and long-range and it easy to control you can take down multiple enemies in a single mag.

Gadgets are still the same, but you can change specialization to Charge N Slam if you want to which can break through any wall and obstacles or slam the ground (while in the air), dealing high damage to enemies standing close to where you land.


The Finals Heavy is the most durable class in The Finals, and the builds we provide above allow you to one-shot squishy classes and are great for defending objectives and taking objectives too.